Sindbad~EG File Manager

Current Path : /home/beghelic/public_html/old-yedek/admin/plugins/morrisjs/spec/lib/bar/
Upload File :
Current File : //home/beghelic/public_html/old-yedek/admin/plugins/morrisjs/spec/lib/bar/

describe 'Morris.Bar#colorFor', ->

  defaults =
    element: 'graph'
    data: [{x: 'foo', y: 2, z: 3}, {x: 'bar', y: 4, z: 6}]
    xkey: 'x'
    ykeys: ['y', 'z']
    labels: ['Y', 'Z']

  it 'should fetch colours from an array', ->
    chart = Morris.Bar $.extend {}, defaults, barColors: ['#f00', '#0f0', '#00f']
    chart.colorFor([0], 0, 'bar').should.equal '#f00'
    chart.colorFor([0], 0, 'hover').should.equal '#f00'
    chart.colorFor([0], 1, 'bar').should.equal '#0f0'
    chart.colorFor([0], 1, 'hover').should.equal '#0f0'
    chart.colorFor([0], 2, 'bar').should.equal '#00f'
    chart.colorFor([0], 2, 'hover').should.equal '#00f'
    chart.colorFor([0], 3, 'bar').should.equal '#f00'
    chart.colorFor([0], 4, 'hover').should.equal '#0f0'

  it 'should defer to a callback', ->
    stub = sinon.stub().returns '#f00'
    chart = Morris.Bar $.extend {}, defaults, barColors: stub

    chart.colorFor([0], 0, 'bar')
      {x:0, y:2, label:'foo'},
      {index:0, key:'y', label:'Y'},

    chart.colorFor([0], 1, 'hover')
      {x:0, y:3, label:'foo'},
      {index:1, key:'z', label:'Z'},

Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists