Sindbad~EG File Manager

Current Path : /proc/thread-self/root/lib64/python2.7/Demo/tkinter/guido/
Upload File :
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/lib64/python2.7/Demo/tkinter/guido/

# List a remote app's widget tree (names and classes only)

import sys
import string

from Tkinter import *

def listtree(master, app):
    list = Listbox(master, name='list')
    list.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH)
    listnodes(list, app, '.', 0)
    return list

def listnodes(list, app, widget, level):
    klass = list.send(app, 'winfo', 'class', widget)
##      i = string.rindex(widget, '.')
##      list.insert(END, '%s%s (%s)' % ((level-1)*'.   ', widget[i:], klass))
    list.insert(END, '%s (%s)' % (widget, klass))
    children =
            list.send(app, 'winfo', 'children', widget))
    for c in children:
        listnodes(list, app, c, level+1)

def main():
    if not sys.argv[1:]:
        sys.stderr.write('Usage: listtree appname\n')
    app = sys.argv[1]
    tk = Tk()
    tk.minsize(1, 1)
    f = Frame(tk, name='f')
    f.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH)
    list = listtree(f, app)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Sindbad File Manager Version 1.0, Coded By Sindbad EG ~ The Terrorists